We use a variety of different treatments depending on the injury/condition and the individual.
Our Treatments
Hands-On Manual Therapy
Including: Soft Tissue Massage, Stretching techniques, Soft Tissue Mobilisation, Manipulation and Mobilisation
Home Exercises
An integral part of treatment, an individualised home exercise programme is used to reinforce the benefits made during treatment and to progress recovery.
Used as part of physiotherapy treatment to relieve pain in conditions such as low back pain and osteoarthritis of the knee joints. It may also be effective at releasing myofascial trigger points making follow up and stretching more effective.
Using electrical modalities to stimulate healing and enhance recovery of muscles and joints. Can include: Ultrasound, Interferential, Pulsed, Short Wave Diathermy and Laser.
Improves/maintains the benefit gained with treatment. Helps with recovery of normal function. Reduces the risk of the injury recurring. Can include: Exercise, Post Operative Rehabilitation, Core Stability Training.
Sports Massage Therapy
Sports massage therapy is the management, manipulation and rehabilitation of the soft tissues in the body i.e. muscles, ligaments and tendons. Used to help prevent injuries and alleviate stress and tension it can also be of benefit to anyone suffering from physical, occupational, emotional and postural stress.
Kinesio tape can be used to: reduce swelling and improve circulation, improve muscle contraction or reduce muscle tension/spasm reduce the pain of inflamed ligament/tendons improve function by limiting or assisting joint motion.
Zinc oxide tape is used to support torn ligaments after an ankle sprain, for example, or to prevent further injury when the joint is potentially unstable. Zinc taping can also be used to stretch tight tissues and is very useful in reducing pain at the front of the knee caused by poor biomechanical alignment. -
Remote Consultations (Video)
Remote consultations can be a very beneficial way of accessing treatment for those that, for whatever reason, find it difficult to attend in person. They are easy to set up as long as you have a good internet connection. Just as in a clinical setting, the Physiotherapist will take a full history of your condition and then assess your movements with a series of tests. From this they will be able to make an initial diagnosis and provide you with advice, guidance and a home exercise plan. You will be encouraged to asks questions at any time during the sessions.
Adolescent Development (Growing Pains)
Many adolescents develop restrictions and growing pains due to their physical development, this is often brought about by painful restriction in joints and/or diminished physical performance manifesting in reduced speed and poor coordination and balance. Major contributory factors to this are the growth and maturation of the body along with increased training requirements. Often the adolescent presents with specific injury to knees, ankles, shoulders or elbows in the form of osgoodschlatters, severs disease or tendonitis.
With a thorough assessment, a specific flexibility and stability regime can be put together to reduce pain and speed recovery and be used to prevent injury and/or improve performance. PLEASE NOTE ANY 16 YEAR OLD MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY AN ADULT.
First visit:
what to expect.
An initial assessment may take up to an hour. This will involve taking a history of your condition, a full physical examination of the problem area, treatment and advice. To accurately examine you, you may be asked to undress to your underwear to see the affected area and the joints above and below. Only after a full consultation, and time for questions, will the physiotherapist decide on the best form of treatment.
If subsequent visits are required this will also be discussed and an individually tailored treatment programme planned. Time will also be spent teaching you how to avoid a recurrence of your problem. Review appointments will always involve an assessment of your progress as well as treatment.
“ Just wanted to thank you for your recent support. I was initially somewhat nervous, apprehensive and unsure what to expect. My concerns quickly melted away and I felt very comfortable and relaxed with each appointment. I am pleased to say my ‘problem’ has continued to improve and that can only be due to your support and advice, thank you very much “
— Shirley Topping